Why Carma…. Here is the answer in the recent interview of Sandrine in Yabangee

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  • 59
  • 108
  • 324
  • 1,539
    hour volunteered
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ONAR Yabancı Uyruklu Kadınları Destekleme Derneği (ONAR)

Date of foundation 2015
Internet site www.onaristanbul.com
Cause Awareness, Women
For Profit or Not For Profit Not For Profit
Contact Martina Pavone
Auditor YOK

Mission & Activities

Vision: We want to develop a model of Centre for Women that can be exported, focus on advocacy, awareness and prevention, at the first place, but that can also provide concrete support for those who are already going through a violent situation. 
We aim to meet our goal through socio-cultural activities, group support, legal support and the creation of a shelter that can welcome  foreign women. We would like to become the referent point for our target group in order to support their needs. Our effort is based on women’s solidarity, that we believe represents the only way through which we can promote the role of women at all levels in every society.   

Mission: ONAR is a multicultural and non-political organization made by “women for women” providing foreign women in İstanbul self-awareness development, prevention against physical and psychological harassment, legal support and tools for smooth integration in local communities. 

Target: our target is foreign women in Istanbul (regardless the length of their permanence), with regular documents, English speaking  (for now) and with a direct or indirect access to internet, but it welcomes every woman without any distinction of race, religion, origin, status. 

Values: We believe in the importance of empower the role of women in society, defending women rights and helping them in their own self development process, even through advocacy. 

Actions: İn order to cover the needs of our target our core activities are organized around this core fields: 

  • İntegration we offer them a solid network of Foreign and Turkish women, we help them in the integration process in the different foreign communities and in the Turkish environment through events, workshops, debates, movies.
  • Awareness: awareness and prevention for women who are suffering a double discrimination, as women and as foreigners through workshops, legal seminars, group supports, social media campaign, festivals.

Some of the parties supporting us:


Main figures & Metrics

  Group support Legal support # psychological group support  Hotline Social/Cultural activities (community integration) TotalRevenues
  # of group organised # of participants  # of seminars # of participants # of issues solved # of sessions organised # of participants # of calls # of events # of participants  
2015 YTD 4 64 2 30 4 (so far inside group support)   not yet implemented 6 106  


Source of funds

At this stage, we haven't raised any external funding. We are using our resources, our skills and volunteers. Two of us are 100% on the project, but this cannot continue anymore for economic reasons.

For location we are using free places through collaboration: Kadav (Women's Solidarity Foundation), Naber (Turkish Language School), Cafè Akademi and Library (for meeting and movie screening), Bilgi University.

Board & staff

FounderMartina Pavone
Foundergamze erenturk
FounderMonica Callegher

People who have already volunteered