Why Carma…. Here is the answer in the recent interview of Sandrine in Yabangee

C@rma scorecard

  • 59
  • 108
  • 324
  • 1,539
    hour volunteered
  • 7
  • 8
    CSOs featured

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IZEV - İstanbul Zihinsel Engelliler için Eğitim ve Dayanışma Vakfı

Date of foundation 1989
Internet site www.izev.org.tr
Cause Education, Children
For Profit or Not For Profit Not For Profit
Contact Merve Kiliç
Auditor Yakup Akın

Mission & Activities


Each mentally handicapped person is an individual who is equal, independent and honorable like everyone in society. IZEV Foundation has been working more than 20 years towards this goal; supports mentally handicapped people for education, social life, job trainings and employment. We believe that these individuals who are just “Different”, can change/clear away negative perception about them in society by themselves. Our motto is: “We are just different and we are here!”



IZEV has supported more than 500 children and adults who are mentally handicapped, in domains of education, social life and job training.

Today we are working in İZEV Bağımsız Yaşam Evi with 25 mentally handicapped people together.

In our social networks we have almost 2200 likes for our Facebook page and 820 followers for Twitter account.

There are 22 volunteers in Bağımsız Yaşam Evi who give education and organize some activities.

Main figures & Metrics

  # of students in the house # of Facebook like #ofvolunteers Annual Budget (TL) Operational Expenses
2013       292.782  
2014       185.860  
2015 25 2.200 22    


Source of funds

Donations and sponsors. In addition, we are selling souvenir soaps as our workshop products. 

Board & staff

Chairman of the Board of TrusteesAlbert Erbeş
Members of the Board of TrusteesErcan Tezer
Members of the Board of TrusteesElçin Tapan
Members of the Board of TrusteesNevzat Gürmen
Members of the Board of TrusteesMari Bedikoğlu
Members of the Board of TrusteesMaritza Dalva
Members of the Board of TrusteesMihrimah Eker
Members of the Board of Trustees Sema Özsoy

People who have already volunteered