C@rma Corporate Breakfast: Celebrating International Volunteer Day
On December the 3rd, we invited, with the support of the law firm Baker & McKenzie, 30 corporate firms to Sanayi 313 for a corporate breakfast.
Why Carma…. Here is the answer in the recent interview of Sandrine in Yabangee
On December the 3rd, we invited, with the support of the law firm Baker & McKenzie, 30 corporate firms to Sanayi 313 for a corporate breakfast.
On September 28th, schools across Turkey opened their doors for the start of the academic year. But nearly 450,000 school-aged Syrian children did not step into a classroom that day.
Read the blog entry from Sera Marshall, communication coordinator at Save the Children's Turkey Programme.
“When it comes to meaninglessness; even if it is over simplifying it, one may say there are many things to enable people to live but nothing that people would live for. People have tools but no goals."
Are you ready for it?
Are you ready to try something really different which will give you goosebumps and a great network?!?
We are officially launching our campaign towards the Global Pro Bono Week.
Be part of it by using #PBW15.
Last May, Hatice, intern at C@rma met with Kaçuv. She was directly itnerested by their project and commit t volunteer on week-ends. Read more about her experience
C@rma aims at supporting NGos with the skills of corporate professionals. But can we really transpose these skills from the corporate world to the NGO ones? We asked our strategy expert, Devrim Zumrutkaya from BMGI his opinion.
More than 75 professionals shared their skills in 9 sessions to provide a value of 15.000USD free consulting services to the participating NGOs. This was a first in Turkey!
YOU have the SKILLS ! Our NGOs NEED THEM !
Join us on May the 15th at our Pro Bono Day in Bilgi University at SantralIstanbul.
FEB 2015: PRO BONO Summit in Berlin: Pro Bono? It rings a bell...isnt it the stuff some lawyers are doing and why is the C@rma's team all the time speaking about it?..Well yes it is the service that some lawyers are giving for free but not only lawyers. Throughout the world, plenty of professionals are using their skills not only to support NGOs but also to enhance their leadership skills and engage with their team workers.
Last Wednesday, we gathered the skills of 30 Turkish professionals from corporate firms like GE, TEB/BNP Paribas, Eczacibasi, Insurance NN Groep or the law firm Baker&McKenzie to solve the challenges of 4 NGOs during our NGO speed dating event. Want to join the next event? Register your skills on the platform!