Why Carma…. Here is the answer in the recent interview of Sandrine in Yabangee

C@rma scorecard

  • 59
  • 108
  • 324
  • 1,539
    hour volunteered
  • 7
  • 8
    CSOs featured

Thank you to wonderful friends

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How do we do Po Bono Volunteering

C@rma is new way to engage in Pro bono volunteering in Turkey. 

Our aim is to develop online and offline community of volunteers to support Turkish NGOs and Social Entrepreneur.

Online community to build transparence and trust in the Civil Society:

  • Each NGOs or Social Entreprise willing to be posted in C@rma should provide in English and in Turkish detailed information about their organisation (activities, yearly budget, operational metrics, source of funds, composition of the board, etc.). These details are available to all registred users by clicking on the logo. This is providing transparency and an easy way of comparing NGos through a single format

  • Each volunteering project posted is correctly scoped; all the volunteers know exactly what will be asked from them and for when. We are also agreeing with the NGOs and social entreprise in certain deadline in which they have to answer to the volunteer.

  • Once the project is posted, all the registred professional users having the skills necessary to support that project will receive an email asking them whether they are intersted or not. At that stage, if they are interested, they are applying through the website

  • We are building teams of volunteers rather than a "single person" project as far as possible to enhance also the "community" experience.


Offline community to engage corporate professionals within a corporate structure

  • C@rma is proposing corporate firms to organise events to engage their employees in Pro Bono

  • Through these events, professionals have the opportunity to use their skills to support one NGOs

  • Most of our program are spread across some months to give the opportunity to the NGOs to implement the change and hence to the professionals to see the real impact

  • We are working with teams within a same department or across departments bo break silos

  • Our programs go from 1 day towards 1y project