Why Carma…. Here is the answer in the recent interview of Sandrine in Yabangee

C@rma scorecard

  • 59
  • 108
  • 324
  • 1,539
    hour volunteered
  • 7
  • 8
    CSOs featured

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Research & surveys

We went through existing global research studies about volunteering, philanthropy and employee engagement.

We also started a survey in April 2013 in Turkey to verify that our assumptions on how Turkish employees feel about community engagement were shared.

External research studies show that:

  • Giving is boosting employee engagement (US studies only)

  • Employee engagement is correlated with an increase in productivity (also in Turkey)

  • 66% of Gen Y workforce reports that they would prefer to work for a company that provides opportunity to apply their skills to benefit non-profit organizations (Deloitte - 2007 Executive summary: Deloitte volunteer IMPACT survey)

  • 97% of MBA graduates said they were willing to forgo financial benefits to work for an organization with a better reputation for CSR and ethics (Stanford graduate School of Business “MBA graduates want to work for caring and ethical employers”)

  • 90% of surveyed corporate HR professionals agree that contributing business skills and expertise to a non-profit can be an effective way to develop leadership skills (Deloitte)

Survey of close to 120 Turkish employees working in corporate companies shows that:

  • 73% of the sample surveyed would really like to participate in such program

  • 20% of the sample surveyed does not know whether the company they are working for has a Corporate Social Responsibility Program.

  • Favored topics are: Education, Nature, Poverty and Health.

What was also surprising was to see that, although the concept is still quasi inexistent in Turkey and one could have assumed that these employees would want to do something else than what they do in their daily job, close to 66% were ready to volunteer using their skills.


Sample: 119 answers, 53/47 man/women, 38% below the 30y old, mainly middle management, average seniority of more than 6y, working in company from 51-100 employees; 42% were coming from finance, 23% from e-commerce and the rest is spread.


  • Close to 70% already volunteered (with 1/3 of the total mentioning skill-based volunteering) Profesyonel Yeteneklere dayalı gönüllülük

  • Among the ones not having done it yet, 60% was because there were not presented with any opportunities and 37% by lack of time (3% mentioned the lack of interest)

  • Main source of opportunity is internet (40%), friends (39%) with company coming at 20% (multiple choice possible)

  • 96% would be ready to volunteer again


  • 70% already gave money to charities; main reason not to do it is a financial one

Corporate Program

  • 94% of the employees believe the corporate has a role to play to improve society

  • 45% of the respondents mentioned that their corporate firm did not have any CSR program (25%) or they did not know about

  • For the 50% having a program,

  • Only 50% participated; the main reason not to do it was the lack of time (21%) and the lack of opportunity (15%)

  • 54% believe their company is doing enough


  • 73% of the employees would really like to participate in such program (22% would need to show a strong support from their manager)

  • The favorite areas are: (1) Education (by far); (2) Nature (3) Poverty (4) Health

  • Favorite support: skill-based volunteering (66%), giving money (62%) and non skill-based volunteering (45%)

What would they need to see to take part to that journey?

  • The corporate should leave time for its employee to do it (recurrent answer)

  • Confidence in the NGOS, transparence, reliability of the organization

  • Simplicity and convenience

  • Effectiveness of the activities carried out and feedback, information, measurement, sustainability

  • Leadership, management support, management walking the talk, support from organization

  • State support, regulatory environment