First of all, thank to everyone who provided comments the last days to help me improve my site.
I understood I need to reduce text and add some images…working on that…some of you did not like the personal tone of my blog or the impersonal tone of my story J. I adapt my story but I hope my experience with starting a company can also help others…so I will keep blogging about failures and weakness..knowing that learning is on the way!
So, Social media.
Youtube and Sparkol: I know I should insert video, it will come but in the meanwhile, I had a lot of fun creating my story using Sparkol; very easy to use. If you haven’t seen it, the link is here
Twitter went quite easily, created another account, linked it to my personal account, post it on the website. All easy…..except I don’t manage to put nice pictures.
Linkedin: at the time of writing this post, the link are coming but they are unclickable..only my name is clickable..which is already something but not really interesting.
Facebook: ha! Who can believe I did not have a Facebook account before starting all of this….I was afraid it was going to consume me..anyway, I started by creating a page business which is of course not the right start….then I understood I needed first to create a personal page …I input my name to hear from Facebook that it was not my real name; I sent all the way..I am banned from opening a Facebook account….so at the end, I chose another name (not my real one!). Not very user friendly. You can find me on CarmaCareMoveAct.
Now, I need to understand how to use all of them together without spaming everyone with my updates…be patient if you receive a lot about C@rma in the coming weeks…
This was just a start…no one can start without a decent website and a presence on the web. This is done…now lets enter business! Next blog will be about the first volunteering opportunities which are posted!