Why Carma…. Here is the answer in the recent interview of Sandrine in Yabangee

C@rma scorecard

  • 59
  • 108
  • 324
  • 1,539
    hour volunteered
  • 7
  • 8
    CSOs featured

Thank you to wonderful friends

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DLD (Değişim Liderleri Derneği)

Date of foundation 2011
Internet site www.degisimliderleri.org
Cause Empowerment, Women
For Profit or Not For Profit Not For Profit
Contact Aslı Olgunlar
Auditor Berna abiş

Mission & Activities

Vision: Advance society’s growth and prosperity through the full contributions of its women.

Mission: Strengthen the potential of girls and women to become active, responsible and productive members of their societies by offering educational and leadership skill buillding opportunities..

Beneficiaries: Young university women from modest backgrounds , generally the first in their family to attend the university. New programs targeting high school girls and working blue collar women are in development.

Geographical reach: Currently six Sparks groups in four cities: Izmir, Izmit, Istanbul and Bolu. Past groups also in Duzce and Ankara.

ActivitiesSince 2009, Implementing Sparks Program that is a leadership and social responsibility program which offers services to promote leadership, educational opportunities in professional manner and civic engagement among women.

Expansion of the reach of this leadership program into less accessible, smaller cities in regions of Turkey where educational opportunities are limited.


Main figures & Metrics

  # of participants (# localisations) # of persons reached by the projects # trainings Revenues (TL) Expenses
2012-2013 25 1.000 12 31.898 5.103
2013-2014 35 1.000 15 46.685 8.831
2014-2015 40 140.000 15 63.358 14.874


Source of funds

  • US Bridge to Turkiye Fund: US6,000 to fund the CYDD group in Istanbul. Girls are CYDD scholarship students.
  • Bolu Community Foundation: 11,500TL to fund the Sparks group in Bolu.
  • IWI grant: 10,500TL to improve faciliator training
  • Individual donations from Turkish-Americans and Turks living in Turkey
  • There is no membership fee.


Board & staff

ChairmanJale ERGELEN
Executive DirectorAslı Olgunlar
Vice ChairmanNazan KUMLALI
Treasurer/ Board memberSema BAŞOL
Board MemberNakiye BOYACIGİLLER
Board MemberGizem DAĞ

Bank details

Garanti Bankası Gölcük Şubesi

People who have already volunteered