Why Carma…. Here is the answer in the recent interview of Sandrine in Yabangee

C@rma scorecard

  • 59
  • 108
  • 324
  • 1,539
    hour volunteered
  • 7
  • 8
    CSOs featured

Thank you to wonderful friends

Get inspired


Date of foundation 2000
Internet site www.mavikalem.org
Cause Education, Children
For Profit or Not For Profit Not For Profit
Contact Ayşegül Güney
Auditor Yok

Mission & Activities

Mavi Kalem was established in 2000 by a group of volunteers. Mavi Kalem is conducting studies on women rights, women health, youth support, children rights and education, disaster relief methods and civil participation. Through their studies Mavi Kalem aims to disseminate social solidarity with women, gender perspectives and volunteering. In accordance with these objectives social responsibility activities are carried out together with women, teens and children.

Mavi Kalem working principles: information, helping and sharing/ proportional access in right to speak/ shaping the demands of the working groups and their applications, shaping the demands of the working groups and their applications, transparency and accountability/ effective use of resources/ give priority to collaboration and cooperation. Mavi Kalem is an independent association of the civil society and not connected to any particular institution. The supervisory board of Mavi Kalem is supervised by TC Ministry of the Interior Department of Associations and registered in the Istanbul Provincial Directorate of Associations.


Main figures & Metrics

  number of children `registered/assisting` number of hours `class` number of program/event/training developed Total Revenues (TL) Op.expenses/revenues
2011 100 18 16 108.888 20%
2012 105 22 14 179.772 30%
2013 110 24 18 178.048 35%
2014 Expected 120 26 18 132.000 25%

Source of funds

85% from corporate donations, 10% from individual donations, 5% from own activities (with the largest donor representing 5% of the total)

Board & staff

ChairmanEmine Filiz Ayla
General CoordinatorGamze Karadağ Koç
Treasurer/ Board memberSerfe Eşsiz
Office CoordinatorAyşegül Güney

Bank details

Türkiye İş Bankası Galatasaray Şubesi -1022
T. Garanti Bankası Balat Şubesi - 020

People who have already volunteered